What Aston Martin Have to Say

"Over the past nine decades, Aston Martin has witnessed many changes. In a long and distinguished history, Aston Martin has seen some good times and some not so good times.
The fact that Aston Martin has survived is testament to the strength and resolve of everyone who has ever been involved with the company: customers and employees alike.

We are passionate about the cars we produce and we know this is a passion shared by our enthusiastic owners. All of our sports cars will continue to be hand-built and bespoke but using high technology processes in a very modern environment.

That ethos goes right back to 1914 and the very beginnings of the company. Our founders, Lionel Martin and Robert Bamford, believed that a sports car should have a distinctive and individual character. They felt it should be built to the highest standards and be exhilarating to drive and own – many things have changed over the ensuing ninety plus years, but those goals are still very relevant to us today.

An Aston Martin combines three important elements: power, beauty and soul. Aston Martins are truly special – they always have been and always will be."


Considering Buying An Aston Martin?

I can help you, I know a few superb authorised and approved Aston Martin dealers in the UK, I can put in a good word for you so they will be able to look after all of your requirements. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have, I'll love to help you! You can give me a call on +447956 515 868, or feel free to send me a quick message by completing the form below.

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